Curriculum vitae


Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Paris, France

Ph.D. in Signal, Image, Automation and Robotics
Thesis: Neuro-Steered Music Source Separation
Supervisors: Slim Essid, Gaël Richard.
Keywords: Music source separation, Auditory attention decoding, Electroencephalography (EEG).

Politecnico di Torino

Torino, Italy

M.Sc. in Bioengineering
Thesis: CNNs and Transfer Learning for metastasis segmentation in high resolution images
Supervisors: Elisa Ficarra, Santa Di Cataldo, Francesco Ponzio.
Keywords: Transfer Learning, Semantic Segmentation, Histopathological Images

University of Padova

Padova, Italy

B.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering
Thesis: A supervised learning approach for the robust detection ofheart beat in plethysmographic data
Supervisors: Enrico Grisan.
Keywords: Supervised Learning, Heart Beat Detection, Photoplethysmography (PPG)

Work History

École normale supérieure

Paris, France
2022 - now

Postdoc — Investigating speech and music perception.

Supervisors: Shihab Shamma.

AIP, RIKEN, Univesity of Kyoto

Kyoto, Japan
2023 - now

Visiting researcher — Probabilistic modelling of brain signals.

Supervisors: Kazuyoshi Yoshii.

Trinity College Dublin

Dublin, Ireland
2022 - now

Visiting researcher — Investigating natural sensory processing with EEG.

Supervisors: Giovanni Di Liberto.

InterDigital R&D

Rennes, France
July 2020 - October 2020

Research Internship — Developing algorithms for Music Surce Separation.

Supervisors: Alexey Ozerov.

Télécom Paris

Paris, France
2018 - 2021

PhD candidate — Developing algorithms for Music Surce Separation.

Supervisors: Slim Essid, Gaël Richard.

IIS G. Galilei

Bolzano, Italy
2017 - 2018

Electronic and informatic laboratory technician — Responsible of the electronic and computer labs and teaching support.



  • (2022 - 2024) Postdoc within ERC Advanced Grant, NEUME, Neuroplasticity and the Musical Experience
  • (2018 - 2021) MSCA fellowship as part of the MIP-Frontiers European training network


  • 2024, ARO travel grant, Association for Research in Otolaryngology ($750)
  • 2023, Neuromorphic travel grant, Telluride Neuromorphic workshop travel grant ($3000)
  • 2018, Main prize from Microsoft (“best use of AI technology”) at the Abbey Road Red Hackathon (2018)
  • 2018, Abbey Road’s prize, Deezer’s Hacking Audio & Music Research (HAMR) Hackathon



  • Du cerveau en capsule. Video pitch of my research realized by Institut Carnot Cognition
  • The science behind music technology, an animated story. Conception, script and music coordination
  • Blog articles on women in science, green AI, WiMIR and personal blog
  • Blog posts on my scientific work, ADASP, MIP-frontiers and personal websites


  • Women in Music Information Retrieval (WiMIR), leading the editorial team
  • Cognition and Natural Sensory Processing Initiative (CNSP) organization commitee


  • International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference
  • IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing (TASLP)
  • eLife, European Journal of Neuroscience
  • various signal processing conferences such as WASPAA, ICASSP, INTERSPEECH



  • Italian (Native)
  • English (Fluent)
  • French (Conversational)
  • German (Conversational)
  • Japanese (Beginner)

Operating Systems

  • Windows
  • Linux (Mint, Ubuntu)
  • Sun Grid Engine (SGE), and SLURM


  • Python, MATLAB
  • Latex
  • Java
  • Assembly

IDE and Tools

  • git, GitHub, VSCode
  • Matlab, Simulink, and Labview
  • Sonic Visualizer, and Audacity
  • Office, Overleaf, and Beamer